Preventing a clogged drain or plumbing backup doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Like many things, a little maintenance goes a long way.

The following are some tips on how to prevent both clogged drains and plumbing backups.

Ensure the Area is Clean and Free of Debris

Make sure the area where the clog or backup is occurring is clean. It is an essential first step to managing any clog and backup. In the case of a backup, cleaning the area will also help determine where the blockage occurred. After fixing the blockage, routine maintenance is essential.


Remember, Blockage Could be Caused by a Variety of Factors

Sometimes a blockage could be due to a damaged or broken pipe. Maybe it could be caused by a clog of some kind. Depending on the location of the pipe, the culprits could also be roots.

They tend to find their way into …