5 Reasons Why You Should Not Clean Your Own Gutters

The gutters and downspouts of a building serve a very important purpose. Rain, hail and melting snow run into the gutters and into the downpipes and when clear keep moisture from damaging your home. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall gutters fill with dirt, debris, needles, twigs and leaves. Neglecting to clean them could result in damage to your home and it’s foundation. Regular maintenance keeps the gutters and downpipes clear and doing what they were designed to do.

Some homeowners attempt to do this by themselves without realizing how dangerous it can be. Listed below we look at 5 reasons you might want to leave this chore a Victoria BC gutter cleaning company.

  1. The ladder is unstable – It can’t be stressed enough that placing the ladder in a secure spot will prevent any possible harm to the homeowner. Improper placement of the ladder during cleaning could have the ladder bumping against the roof or gutters themselves. Unsafe placement is the most common cause of accidents while cleaning the gutters.
  2. Ladder maintenance – Homeowners only pull out their ladder once in awhile and may not notice that it’s in need of repair. A poorly maintained ladder could easily break making it a safety hazard to the user.
  3. Watch out for electrical wires – Overhead electrical wires pose a risk when positioning the ladder to clean the gutters. One wrong move and you could come in contact with these wires, great care must be taken working around these wires.
  4. Wearing the wrong clothing – Those who do this for a living know that it’s important to wear the right type of clothes to be safe up on a ladder. An amatuer might not realize that the wrong piece of clothing could get caught and cause a fall.
  5. Problems with vertigo or dizziness – Up there on the ladder is not the time to find out you have a touch of vertigo, or feeling nervous brings on a wave of dizziness.Older people especially should be careful about climbing ladders to clean gutters. They might have mobility issues, a lack of experience with ladders knowing how to safely place it as well as a fear of working from heights.

The reasons mentioned here can pose a safety hazard to the inexperienced person, I can’t think of a better reason to give the professionals at All Shine Cleaning today about cleaning your home’s gutters.

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