Those who suffer from insomnia know very well that it can be downright frustrating and nerve-wracking when you can’t seem to get that shut-eye you desperately need. You may even have tried almost every trick in the book, from counting sheep (doesn’t work) to listening to ‘wave’ sounds, but it still doesn’t work – you still can’t sleep properly, or you can’t fall asleep right away (if at all). So what is there to do? Here’s what you should know about having a great sleep – a step-by-step guide to having the most perfect sleep ever.

Step 1: make your bedroom the ideal temperature

Not many of us may realise it, but the temperature of your bedroom counts for a lot if you would like to have a good sleep. Make sure the temperature is between 16 to 20 degrees Celsius, and if you actually ‘shiver’ as soon as you get between the covers and bed linen (it doesn’t hurt to have extremely comfortable and luxurious linen, either), your bedroom’s temperature is conducive to a good sleep.


Step 2: make sure you have a quiet room

The next step is to make sure you have a quiet room. Studies have shown that even noise from traffic can affect your sleep. If you can, take advantage of white noise, such as the noise from an electric fan, which can lull you to sleep. Or, you can also invest in ear plugs if you don’t like white noise.

Step 3: the darker your bedroom, the better

The third step is to make sure that your bedroom is as dark as possible. Any light source can have an effect on your body’s production of melatonin, which can impact your sleep. If you have electronic devices or appliances with LEDs, such as an alarm clock, turn it off or cover it. Get some blackout drapes or dark drapes so the light from the street will not get in.

Step 4: set up your body’s rhythm

One other way you can improve your sleep is by setting a schedule for waking up which your body can follow. Make sure you are awake at a certain time, not only during the weekdays, but even during the weekends. It’s important to establish a rhythm for your body to follow so you are likely to feel sleepy at a certain time each night.

Step 5: read – the right way

Most of us like to read before going to sleep, but you can try a different way of reading in order to help your body prepare for sleep. Why not try reading something that you wouldn’t usually read? For example, if you like to read mystery novels, try out a historical novel. If you like non-fiction books, try a fiction book. This can help you relax and reduce the anxiety in your mind, preparing yourself for a better night’s sleep.

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